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Havana Room

60 seated | 75 reception

The pineapple is the international symbol of hospitality, hence the welcoming Havana Room with its sheer abundance of the fanciful fruit. Sourced from islands in the Caribbean, the pineapple was a rarity in the 19th century, showcasing a host's munificence. The spiky fruit was even rented for use in table settings, but there's no scarcity here. Once a double parlor, the Pineapple Room features the fruit in a 19th-century period wallpaper patterned in mocha, salmon, ivory, and green, and an enchanting mirror is adorned with18th-century French foliate resembling leaves. Hand-carved gilt wooden pineapple chandeliers with silk shades are from London and the rug, with a peach background and green frond design, evokes a tropical mood. Diners relax in oval-backed, gilded Louis XVI chairs to enjoy their stylish setting. Hospitable, charming, and delicious… the pineapple and Brennan's.


Ashley Hill
Office: 504-934-3376

Kasey Weisnicht
Office: 504-934-3387

Joseph Laskowski
Office: 504-934-3326

Miranda Stooksbury
Office: 504-934-3327

Havana Room
Floorplan showing Havana Room on First Floor